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Описание Университета Эдинбурга

Город: Эдинбург
Эдинбург, столица Шотландии, всегда признавался одним из самых красивых городов мира. Эдинбург – процветающий коммерческий и финансовый центр. У города традиционно тесные связи с Россией. Более того, Санкт-Петербург является городом-побратимом Эдинбурга! Немаловажно, что в Эдинбурге находится Консульство Российской Федерации.

Год основания университета: 1583 год

В Эдинбургском университете обучается более 18 000 студентов! Преподавательский и научный состав – 7 400 человек.

University of Edinburgh (Университет Эдинбурга) - один из самых престижных университетов мира. Он славится своей 400-летней историей, а также статусом одного из десяти британских университетов – лидеров в области науки и образования. Дипломы и степени, присуждаемые университетом, признаются во всем мире и пользуются высочайшим престижем. По научной работе Эдинбургский университет занимает 5 место в Британии, уступая лишь Оксфордскому и Кембриджскому университетам и колледжам Империал и Университетскому в Лондоне. Среди прославленных выпускников университета были: Роберт Люис Стивенсон, Чарльз Дарвин, Дэвид Юм, Сэр Вальтер Скотт, Артур Конан Дойль, Александр Белл, из современников: Джоан Роулинг, Гордон Браун и Майкл Атийя.

Факультеты. Университет состоит из 3-х колледжей:
1.Гуманитарных и социальных наук;
2.Медицинский и ветеринарный;
3.Естественных и инженерных наук.

Программы обучения University of Edinburgh

Колледжи предлагают программы по более чем 300 дисциплинам. Диапазон дисциплин: от богословия до микроэлектроники, от искусства до генетики и искусственного интеллекта. По программа поствысшего образования университет курсы по 130 дисциплинам и исследовательские программы во всех областях.
По рейтингу “The Times” и аудиторской компании “Price WaterHouse Coopers” университет Эдинбурга занимает лидирующие позиции в следующих областях: Бизнес, Право, Архитектура, Музыка, Философия, Геология, Социологии, Компьютерные науки, Ветеринария, Математика, Электроника, Инженерное дело, Химия, История, Лингвистика, Молекулярная биология, Теология и религиоведения, Физика и астрономия, История искусств, Классическая и древняя история.


Стоимость обучения и проживания.

Стоимость обучения на бакалаврских программах составляет от 14,550 до 29,000 GBP в год (в зависимости от специальности), обучение в магистратуре составляет примерно от 16,500 до 22,950 GBP в год.
Стоимость программы MBA – 27,100 GBP. 
Стоимость жизни, включая плату за комнату в студенческой резиденции, питание, личные расходы и транспорт составляет около 8,000-9,000 GBP в год.

Программы Undergraduate

Список программ университета в алфавитном порядке:

Accounting & Finance (MA)
Ancient & Medieval History (MA)
Ancient History (MA)
Ancient History & Classical Archaeology (MA)
Ancient History & Greek (MA)
Ancient History & Latin (MA)
Ancient Mediterranean Civilisations (MA)
Applied Mathematics (BSc)
Applied Sport Science (BSc)
Arabic (MA)
Arabic & Business Studies (MA)
Arabic & Economics (MA)
Arabic & French (MA)
Arabic & History (MA)
Arabic & History of Art (MA)
Arabic & Persian (MA)
Arabic & Politics (MA)
Arabic & Social Anthropology (MA)
Arabic & Spanish (MA)
Archaeology (MA)
Archaeology & Social Anthropology (MA)
Architectural History (MA)
Architectural History & Archaeology (MA)
Architecture (MA)
Architecture in Creative & Cultural Environments (MA)
Artificial Intelligence (BSc)
Artificial Intelligence & Computer Science (BSc)
Artificial Intelligence & Mathematics (BSc)
Artificial Intelligence & Software Engineering (BEng)
Artificial Intelligence with Management (BEng)
Astrophysics (MPhys)
Astrophysics (BSc)
Biochemistry (BSc)
Biological Sciences (BSc)
Biological Sciences with Management (BSc)
Biotechnology (BSc)
Business Studies (MA)
Business Studies & Accounting (MA)
Business Studies & Economics (MA)
Business Studies & French (MA)
Business Studies & Geography (MA)
Business Studies & German (MA)
Business Studies & Law (MA)
Business Studies & Spanish (MA)
Celtic (MA)
Celtic & Archaeology (MA)
Celtic & English Language (MA)
Celtic & English or Scottish Literature (MA)
Celtic & German (MA)
Celtic & Linguistics (MA)
Celtic & Scandinavian Studies (MA)
Celtic & Scottish History (MA)
Chemical Engineering (BEng)
Chemical Engineering (MEng)
Chemical Engineering with Management (BEng)
Chemical Engineering with Management (MEng)
Chemical Physics (BSc)
Chemical Physics (MChemPhys)
Chemical Physics with a Year Abroad (MChemPhys)
Chemical Physics with Industrial Experience (MChemPhys)
Chemistry (BSc)
Chemistry (MChem)
Chemistry with a Year Abroad (MChem)
Chemistry with Environmental & Sustainable Chemistry (BSc)
Chemistry with Environmental & Sustainable Chemistry (MChem)
Chemistry with Environmental & Sustainable Chemistry and a Year Abroad (MChem)
Chemistry with Environmental & Sustainable Chemistry and Industrial Experience (MChem)
Chemistry with Industrial Experience (MChem)
Chemistry with Materials Chemistry (MChem)
Chemistry with Materials Chemistry (BSc)
Chemistry with Materials Chemistry and a YearAbroad (MChem)
Chemistry with Materials Chemistry and Industrial Experience (MChem)
Childhood Practice (BA)
Chinese (MA)
Chinese and History (MA)
Chinese and Linguistics (MA)
Civil Engineering (BEng)
Civil Engineering (MEng)
Classical & Middle East Studies (MA)
Classical Archaeology & Greek (MA)
Classical Studies (MA)
Classics (MA)
Classics & English Language (MA)
Classics & Linguistics (MA)
Cognitive Science (BSc)
Cognitive Science (Humanities) (MA)
Community Education (BA)
Computational Physics (BSc)
Computational Physics (MPhys)
Computer Science (BEng)
Computer Science (BSc)
Computer Science & Electronics (BEng)
Computer Science & Management Science (BSc)
Computer Science & Mathematics (BSc)
Computer Science & Physics (BSc)
Computer Science with Management (BEng)
Developmental & Cell Biology (BSc)
Divinity & Classics (MA)
Divinity (general & honours) (BD)
Divinity (general) (BA)
Divinity (honours) (MA)
Divinity - Certificate in Pastoral Studies (2-year course) (Certificate)
Divinity - Certificate in Theology (1-year course) (Certificate)
Divinity - Licentiate in Theology (3-year course) (Licentiate)
Ecological & Environmental Sciences (BSc)
Ecological & Environmental Sciences with Management (BSc)
Ecology (BSc)
Economic & Social History (MA)
Economic & Social History with Environmental Studies (MA)
Economic History (MA)
Economic History & Business Studies (MA)
Economics (MA)
Economics & Accounting (MA)
Economics & Chinese (MA)
Economics & Economic History (MA)
Economics & Law (MA)
Economics & Mathematics (MA)
Economics & Politics (MA)
Economics & Sociology (MA)
Economics & Statistics (MA)
Economics with Environmental Studies (MA)
Economics with Finance (MA)
Economics with Management Science (MA)
Electrical & Mechanical Engineering (BEng)
Electrical & Mechanical Engineering (MEng)
Electrical Engineering (MEng)
Electrical Engineering with Renewable Energy (MEng)
Electrical Engineering with Renewable Energy (BEng)
Electronics (BEng)
Electronics (MEng)
Electronics & Computer Science (MEng)
Electronics & Electrical Engineering (MEng)
Electronics & Electrical Engineering (BEng)
Electronics & Electrical Engineering (Communications) (MEng)
Electronics & Electrical Engineering (Communications) (BEng)
Electronics & Electrical Engineering with Management (BEng)
Electronics & Electrical Engineering with Management (MEng)
Electronics & Software Engineering (BEng)
Electronics & Software Engineering (MEng)
Electronics with Bioelectronics (MEng)
Engineering (-)
Engineering for Sustainable Energy (MEng)
Engineering for Sustainable Energy (BEng)
English & Scottish Literature (MA)
English Language (MA)
English Language & History (MA)
English Language & Literature (MA)
English Literature (MA)
English Literature & Classics (MA)
English Literature & History (MA)
Environmental Archaeology (BSc)
Environmental Geoscience (BSc)
Evolutionary Biology (BSc)
Fine Art (5-year course) (MA)
French (MA)
French & Business Studies (MA)
French & Classics (MA)
French & English or Scottish Literature (MA)
French & History (MA)
French & History of Art (MA)
French & Linguistics (MA)
French & Philosophy (MA)
French & Politics (MA)
French & Social Policy (MA)
Genetics (BSc)
Geography (MA)
Geography (BSc)
Geography & Archaeology (MA)
Geography & Economic & Social History (MA)
Geography & Economics (MA)
Geography & Politics (MA)
Geography & Social Anthropology (MA)
Geography & Social Policy (MA)
Geography & Sociology (MA)
Geography with Environmental Studies (MA)
Geology (BSc)
Geology & Physical Geography (BSc)
Geophysics (BSc)
Geophysics & Geology (BSc)
Geophysics & Meteorology (BSc)
German (MA)
German & Business Studies (MA)
German & Classics (MA)
German & English Language (MA)
German & English or Scottish Literature (MA)
German & History (MA)
German & History of Art (MA)
German & Linguistics (MA)
German & Philosophy (MA)
German & Politics (MA)
German & Social Policy (MA)
Greek Studies (MA)
History (MA)
History & Archaeology (MA)
History & Classics (MA)
History & History of Art (MA)
History & Politics (MA)
History & Scottish History (MA)
History & Sociology (MA)
History of Art (MA)
History of Art & Architectural History (MA)
History of Art & Chinese Studies (MA)
History of Art & English Literature (MA)
History of Art & History of Music (MA)
Immunology (BSc)
Infectious Diseases (BSc)
Informatics (5-year undergraduate Masters Programme) (MInf)
International Business (MA)
International Business with a Language (MA)
International Relations (MA)
International Relations & Law (MA)
Islamic Studies (MA)
Italian (MA)
Italian & Business Studies (MA)
Italian & Classics (MA)
Italian & English Language (MA)
Italian & English Literature (MA)
Italian & History (MA)
Italian & History of Art (MA)
Italian & Linguistics (MA)
Italian & Philosophy (MA)
Italian & Politics (MA)
Italian & Social Policy (MA)
Japanese (MA)
Japanese & Linguistics (MA)
Latin Studies (MA)
Law & Accountancy (LLB)
Law & Business Studies (LLB)
Law & Celtic (LLB)
Law & Economics (LLB)
Law & French (LLB)
Law & German (LLB)
Law & History (LLB)
Law & International Relations (LLB)
Law & Politics (LLB)
Law & Social Anthropology (LLB)
Law & Social Policy (LLB)
Law & Sociology (LLB)
Law & Spanish (LLB)
Law (Graduate Entry) (LLB)
Law (ordinary & honours) (LLB)
Linguistics (MA)
Linguistics & Social Anthropology (MA)
Linguistics and English Language (MA)
Mathematical Physics (MPhys)
Mathematical Physics (BSc)
Mathematics (BSc)
Mathematics (MA)
Mathematics & Business Studies (BSc)
Mathematics & Music (BSc)
Mathematics & Physics (BSc)
Mathematics & Statistics (BSc)
Mathematics with Management (BSc)
MEarthSci in Geology (MEarthSci)
MEarthSci in Geology & Physical Geography (MEarthSci)
Mechanical Engineering (BEng)
Mechanical Engineering (MEng)
Mechanical Engineering with Management (MEng)
Mechanical Engineering with Management (BEng)
Mechanical Engineering with Renewable Energy (MEng)
Mechanical Engineering with Renewable Energy (BEng)
Medical Biology (BSc)
Medical Sciences (BSc)
Medicinal & Biological Chemistry (MChem)
Medicinal & Biological Chemistry (BSc)
Medicinal & Biological Chemistry with a Year Abroad (MChem)
Medicinal & Biological Chemistry with Industrial Experience (MChem)
Medicine (5-year course) (MBChB)
Middle Eastern Studies (MA)
Modern European Languages (MA)
Modern European Languages & European Union Studies (MA)
Molecular Biology (BSc)
Music (BMus)
Music Technology (BMus)
Neuroscience (BSc)
Nursing Studies (BN)
Oral Health Sciences (BSc)
Persian & Politics (MA)
Persian & Social Anthropology (MA)
Pharmacology (BSc)
Philosophy (MA)
Philosophy & Economics (MA)
Philosophy & English Language (MA)
Philosophy & English or Scottish Literature (MA)
Philosophy & Greek (MA)
Philosophy & Linguistics (MA)
Philosophy & Mathematics (MA)
Philosophy & Politics (MA)
Philosophy & Psychology (MA)
Philosophy & Theology (MA)
Physical Education (BEd)
Physics (MPhys)
Physics (BSc)
Physics & Music (BSc)
Physics with Meteorology (BSc)
Physiology (BSc)
Plant Science (BSc)
Politics (MA)
Politics & Economic & Social History (MA)
Primary Education (BEd)
Psychology (MA)
Psychology (BSc)
Psychology & Business Studies (MA)
Psychology & Linguistics (MA)
Religious Studies & English Literature (MA)
Religious Studies (general) (BA)
Religious Studies (honours) (MA)
Reproductive Biology (BSc)
Russian Studies (MA)
Russian Studies & Business Studies (MA)
Russian Studies & Classics (MA)
Russian Studies & English Language (MA)
Russian Studies & English Literature (MA)
Russian Studies & History (MA)
Russian Studies & History of Art (MA)
Russian Studies & Linguistics (MA)
Russian Studies & Philosophy (MA)
Russian Studies & Politics (MA)
Russian Studies & Social Policy (MA)
Scandinavian Studies & Classics (MA)
Scandinavian Studies & English Language (MA)
Scandinavian Studies & English Literature (MA)
Scandinavian Studies & History (MA)
Scandinavian Studies & Linguistics (MA)
Scandinavian Studies & Philosophy (MA)
Scandinavian Studies & Politics (MA)
Scandinavian Studies & Social Policy (MA)
Scandinavian Studies (Danish, Norwegian, Swedish) (MA)
Scottish Ethnology (MA)
Scottish Ethnology & Archaeology (MA)
Scottish Ethnology & Celtic (MA)
Scottish Ethnology & English Language (MA)
Scottish Ethnology & English Literature (MA)
Scottish Ethnology & Scandinavian Studies (MA)
Scottish Ethnology & Scottish History (MA)
Scottish Ethnology & Scottish Literature (MA)
Scottish History (MA)
Scottish Literature (MA)
Scottish Literature & Scottish History (MA)
Scottish Studies (MA)
Social & Architectural History (MA)
Social Anthropology (MA)
Social Anthropology & Politics (MA)
Social Anthropology & Social Policy (MA)
Social Anthropology with Development (MA)
Social Anthropology with Social History (MA)
Social Anthropology with South Asian Studies (MA)
Social History (MA)
Social Policy & Economics (MA)
Social Policy & Law (MA)
Social Policy & Politics (MA)
Social Policy & Social and Economic History (MA)
Social Policy & Sociology (MA)
Social Policy with Social and Political Studies (MA)
Social Work (BSc)
Sociology (MA)
Sociology & Politics (MA)
Sociology & Psychology (MA)
Sociology & Social and Economic History (MA)
Sociology & Social Anthropology (MA)
Sociology with South Asian Studies (MA)
Software Engineering (BEng)
Software Engineering with Management (BEng)
Spanish (MA)
Spanish & Business Studies (MA)
Spanish & Classics (MA)
Spanish & English Language (MA)
Spanish & English Literature (MA)
Spanish & History (MA)
Spanish & History of Art (MA)
Spanish & Linguistics (MA)
Spanish & Philosophy (MA)
Spanish & Politics (MA)
Spanish & Portuguese (MA)
Spanish & Portuguese with European Union Studies (MA)
Spanish & Social Policy (MA)
Sport & Recreation Management (BSc)
Structural and Fire Safety Engineering (BEng)
Structural and Fire Safety Engineering (MEng)
Structural Engineering with Architecture (BEng)
Structural Engineering with Architecture (MEng)
Veterinary Medicine (5-year course) (BVM&S)
Veterinary Medicine (Graduate Entry Programme - 4-year course) (BVM&S)
Zoology (BSc)

Программы Postrgraduate

Список программ университета в алфавитном порядке:
Academic Practice
Accounting & Finance
Acoustics & Music Technology
Additional Support for Learning (Bilingual Learners)
Additional Support for Learning (Deaf Education)
Additional Support for Learning (Inclusive Education)
Additional Support for Learning (Learning Disabilities)
Additional Support for Learning (Pupil Support)
Additional Support for Learning (Specific Learning Difficulties)
Additional Support for Learning (Visual Impairment)
Advanced Professional Studies (Adult Protection)
Advanced Professional Studies (Criminal Justice)
Advanced Social Work Studies (Mental Health)
Advanced Sustainable Design
Advancing Nursing Practice
Africa and International Development
Africa and International Development (Distance Learning)
African Studies
American History
American Literature
Anaesthesia Practice
Ancient Philosophy
Animal Biosciences
Anthropology of Health and Illness
Applied Animal Behaviour & Animal Welfare
Applied Linguistics
Applied Psychology (Healthcare) For Children And Young People
Arab World Studies
Archaeological Science
Architectural Facilities Management (Distance Learning)
Architectural Project Management (Distance Learning)
Architectural and Urban Design
Architecture (MSc by Research)
Architecture, Master of (ARB/RIBA Part 2)
Art in the Global Middle Ages
Artificial Intelligence
Biblical Studies
Biodiversity and Taxonomy of Plants
Biodiversity, Wildlife & Ecosystem Health (online distance learning)
Biomedical Sciences (Life Sciences)
Business Administration in International Business, Master of (Full Time)
Business Administration, Master of (Full Time)
Business Administration, Master of (Modular)
Carbon Capture & Storage
Carbon Finance
Carbon Management
Cardiovascular Biology
Celtic Studies
Chartered Teacher Status: the Master of Teaching
Childhood Studies
Children & Young People"s Mental Health and Psychological Practice
Chinese Studies
Classical Art and Archaeology
Clinical Education (online distance learning)
Clinical Psychology
Cognition in Science and Society
Cognitive Ageing Research Methods for Medical Scientists (online distance learning)
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Children and Young People
Cognitive Science
Commercial Law
Community Education
Comparative & General Literature
Comparative Public Policy
Comparative and European Private Law
Competition Law and Innovation
Composition for Screen
Computer Science
Counselling (Continuing Professional Practice)
Counselling (Interpersonal Dialogue)
Counselling Studies
Counselling Studies (MSc by Research)
Criminology & Criminal Justice
Critical Theory
Cultural Studies
Dance Science & Education
Dental Primary Care
Design & Digital Media
Developing Educational Leadership and Learning
Developmental Linguistics
Diaspora and Migration History
Digital Animation
Digital Composition & Performance
Digital Media & Culture
Digital Studio Practice
Drug Discovery and Translational Biology
Early Keyboard Performance Studies
Ecological Economics
Economic and Social History
Economics/Economics (Finance) - Scottish Graduate Programme
Ecosystem Services
Education (Doctor of)
Education (MSc Educational Research)
Education: Language, Theory, Practice & Literacy
Educational Leadership
Educational Leadership and Management (including the Scottish Qualification for Headship Diploma)
Electronics: Analogue System Design
English Language
English Language (MSc by Research)
English Literature: Creative Writing
English Literature: Literature & Society: 1688-1900
English Literature: Literature and Modernity: 1900 to the Present
English Literature: Medieval Literature in Scotland and England
English Literature: Postcolonial Literature
English Literature: Renaissance Literature
English Literature: Romanticism
English Literature: Scottish Literature
English Literature: US Literature - Culture & Value: Revolution to Empire
English Literature: Victorian Literature
Enlightenment Studies
Environment & Development
Environment, Culture and Society
Environmental Protection & Management
Environmental Sustainability
Equine Science (online distance learning)
European Archaeology
European Law
European Studies
European Theatre
European Union Politics and Law
Evolution of Language & Cognition
Exploration Geophysics
Film Directing
Film Studies
Film in the Public Space
Finance & Investment
Financial Mathematics
Financial Modelling and Optimization
First Millennium Studies
Food Security
Forensic Anthropology
Gender History
General Practice
General Surgery (Online Distance Learning)
Genomics and Pathway Biology
GeoSciences [individual project] (MSc by Research)
Geographical Information Science
Geographical Information Science & Society (MSc by Research)
Geographical Information Science (MSc by Research)
Global Crime, Justice and Security
Global Environment and Climate Change Law
Global Health & Anthropology
Global Health Studies (online distance learning)
Global Health and Infectious Diseases (online distance learning)
Global Health and Public Policy
Global Health: Non Communicable Diseases (online distance learning)
Global and International Sociology
Graphic Design
Health Inequalities and Public Policy
Health Informatics (online distance learning)
Health Information Governance (online distance learning)
Health Studies
Health Systems and Public Policy
Hellenistic World
High Performance Computing
Highland Studies
History and Theory of Psychology
History of Art
History of Art, Theory and Display
Human Anatomy
Human Cognitive Neuropsychology
Human Geography
Human Osteoarchaeology
Inclusive and Special Education
Infectious Diseases
Information Technology Law (Distance Learning)
Innovation, Technology & the Law
Innovation, Technology & the Law (Distance Learning)
Integrated Resource Management
Integrated Service Improvement: Health and Social Care
Intellectual History
Intellectual Property Law
Intellectual Property Law (Distance Learning)
Interdisciplinary Creative Practices
Interior Design
Internal Medicine (Online Distance Learning)
International Animal Health (online distance learning)
International Business & Emerging Markets
International Development
International Economic Law
International Law
International Political Theory
International Relations
International Relations of the Middle East
International Relations of the Middle East with Arabic
International and European Politics
Islamic & Middle Eastern Studies
Japanese Culture
Landscape, Environment & History
Language Teaching
Law and Chinese
Linguistics (MSc by Research)
Literary Translation as Creative Practice
Literature and Transatlanticism
Management of Training & Development
Marketing & Business Analysis
Material Cultures and the History of the Book
Material and Visual Cultures of the Past
Materials Chemistry
Media, Culture & Practice
Medical Law and Ethics (Distance Learning)
Medical Sciences
Medicinal & Biological Chemistry
Medieval History
Medieval Studies
Mediterranean Archaeology
Middle Eastern Diasporas
Mind, Language and Embodied Cognition
Modern Art: History, Curating & Criticism
Modern British and Irish History
Modern Chinese Cultural Studies
Multi-level and Regional Politics
Multi-level and Regional Politics (MSc by Research)
Music in the Community
Musical Instrument Research
Nationalism Studies
Neuroimaging for Research (online distance learning)
Nursing Studies (MSc by Research)
One Health
Operational Research
Operational Research with Computational Optimization
Operational Research with Energy
Operational Research with Finance
Operational Research with Risk
Oral Surgery
Outdoor Education
Outdoor Environmental and Sustainability Education
Paediatric Dentistry
Paediatric Emergency Medicine (Online Distance Learning)
Pain Management (online distance learning)
Performance Costume
Performance Psychology
Personal and Social Outdoor Education
Petroleum Geoscience
Philosophy (MSc by Research)
Philosophy (MSc/Dip)
Physical Education (3-14)
Policy Studies
Practice in Government and Public Policy
Product Design
Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (Primary)
Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary)
Professional Legal Practice (Diploma)
Psychological Research (MSc/Dip)
Psychology (MSc by Research)
Psychology of Individual Differences
Psychology of Language
Psychotherapy and Counselling (Interpersonal Dialogue)
Public Health
Public Health Policy (MSc by Research)
Public Policy (Master of )
Quantitative Cell and Molecular Imaging
Quantitative Genetics & Genome Analysis
Reflective Design Practices
Religious Studies
Renaissance to Enlightenment
Reproductive Biology
Russian Studies
Scandinavian Studies
Science and Religion
Science and Technology Policy and Management
Science and Technology Studies
Science, Technology and International Development
Scientific Computing
Scottish Art and Visual Culture 1750-2000
Scottish Ethnology
Scottish History
Scottish History (MSc by Research)
Scottish Studies
Signal Processing & Communications
Slavery and Forced Labour studies
Social Anthropology
Social Research
Social Work (MSW)
Social and Cultural History
Socio-Cultural Studies
Sociology and Anthropology of Health & Illness
Sound Design
Sound Design (MSc/Dip by Research)
Sound Environments
South Asia and International Development
Speech & Language Processing
Sport & Recreation Business Management
Statistics and Operational Research
Strength and Conditioning
Structural & Fire Safety Engineering
Structural Engineering & Mechanics
Surgical Sciences (online distance learning)
Sustainable Energy Systems
Swimming Science
Systems and Synthetic Biology
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
The City
The Second World War in Europe
Theology in History
Theoretical Linguistics (MSc by Research)
Transdisciplinary Documentary Film
Transfusion, Transplantation and Tissue Banking
Translation Studies
Translational Medicine (online distance learning)
Veterinary Science
Viking Studies
World Christianity




University of Edinburgh, Великобритания

Меня зовут Полина. При поддержке компании Students International я прошла обучение в University of Edinburgh. Я училась на бакалавриате. Я благодарна не только за помощь в зачислении, но и за поддержку при получении визы в Великобританию. Без ваших услуг это было бы намного сложнее! Сначала я решила получать визу сама, но при проверке документов сразу обнаружились ошибки в документах, которые я сама бы и не заметила. Также спасибо за оперативность и за то что всегда были на связи и готовы разобраться с вопросами, которых у меня было достаточно много. Визу получила без проблем и в срок, и после получения визы также была проконсультирована насчет всех правил въезда в страну, что также очень помогло. Это уже вторая виза в Великобританию, которую я получила с поддержкой вашей компании, в случае надобности буду обращаться снова и буду советовать вас своим знакомым!

Наши преимущества

Мы в комплексе решаем вопросы своих клиентов: подбор программы, зачисление, получение визы, подготовка и сдача IELTS, бронирование проживания и перелетов.

С нами удобно: наши офисы находятся в десятках городов России, Украины и Казахстана. Мы всегда на связи! Наш экстренный телефон всегда работает!

Нашей компании 30 лет! Тысячи студентов прошли через заботливые руки наших специалистов. Наш профессиональный и жизненный опыт для Вас!


Посмотреть все

Сдача IELTS только здесь

только здесь

Подготовка к IELTS


Офис в твоем городе

в твоем городе

Стипендиальный  фонд


Учеба и жизнь в Австралии

Учеба и жизнь
в Австралии

Среднее образование


Индустрия гостеприимства


Telegram Students Internationsl
Telegram Students Internationsl

Оставить заявку

Запрос информации
Нажимая кнопку «Отправить», я даю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных

Выбрать город


Анкета на подбор программы

Подбор программы
моё образование:
интересующая программа:
интересующая страна:
Нажимая кнопку «Отправить», я даю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных

Подписаться на новости

Подписаться на новости
Нажимая кнопку «Отправить», я даю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных

Написать отзыв

Вы наш клиент? Поделитесь вашими впечатлениями с другими!

Написать отзыв
Нажимая кнопку «Отправить», я даю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных

Обратный звонок

Запрос информации
Нажимая кнопку «Отправить», я даю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных

Расчет в течение 30 минут!

 мне нужно будет оформить визу
 на момент обучения у меня будет действующая виза
Готовы рассмотреть и иные схожие варианты
Нажимая кнопку «Отправить», я даю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных

Анкета на подбор программы обучения

Заполняйте данные от имени потенциального студента

Подбор программы
моё образование:
интересующая программа:
интересующая страна:
Нажимая кнопку «Отправить», я даю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных


University of Edinburgh

Подбор программы
Нажимая кнопку «Отправить», я даю согласие на обработку своих персональных данных